Last year this time, I was preparing for a trip that I knew what the outcome would be…I just didn’t know how long or what the journey would entail. I hadn’t planned to go to Pittsburgh for the Christmas holiday…but after the call I got…I knew I had to go. Around Thanksgiving last year, my best friend since childhood, my sister, had been diagnosed with breast cancer and it had spread so that it had affected her spine and she couldn’t walk. By Christmas she had already had one operation to remove the mast, but the incision had gotten infected and they were going to have to open her up again and to clean her out, close her up and let the healing begin again for the second time.
Well as you can imagine, everyone was devastated to hear this news and my sister…well let’s just say, she was beginning to get severely depressed because of all of it. When I arrived to see her I was taken aback at how much weight she had lost and just how sick she was…..BUT MY GOD…WHO SUPPLIES ALL OUR NEEDS ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN CHRIST JESUS…was still on the throne and the Lord had dispatched his angles to watch over, encourage and to council her. They were on their positions eagerly waiting for God’s instructions.
Her brother, his wife and her son were on the front line along with my sisters, me, my mom, my dad and praise God the grand children were there on the front line too; along with many others all over the country. PRAYING---PRAISING and RECEIVING. We all knew that it was not by my sister’s power or might…but by the SPIRIT of the LORD that she would be HEALED AND DELIVERED.
I write this as an encouragement to anyone who is suffering with cancer or is praying for a loved one who has been stricken with this disease. REMEMBER all illness including cancer are DEFEATED foes if you ask God to heal and deliver that person and you unquestionable believe by faith that God has and will answer your prayer.
Be encouraged as one year later, my sister is back to her regular routine…cancer FREE and shouting from the rooftops the GOODNESS and MERCY of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
PRAISE GOD FOR THE VICTORY…as it is yours in Christ Jesus.
Feel free to share your story below as a cancer survivor or as the loved one of a cancer survivor. Let’s hear the praise reports! It all is a testament of God’s GLORY!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Pray For Your Enemies
It really pays to know and study the Word of God for yourself. If you are an Obama supporter and someone who loves his country, you might just buy this T-Shirt. Many of us...including me would see the Bible verse and be elated that there is a T-Shirt that is calling for people to pray for our President. Well before you go out to buy this T-Shirt, please read the scripture below and then tell me if y
ou still want to make the purchase.

"Psalm 109: 8-13 8 Let his years be few; let someone else take his position 9 May his children become fatherless, and his wife a widow 10 May his children wander as beggars and be driven from their ruined homes. 11 May creditors seize his entire estate, and strangers take all he has earned. 12 Let no one be kind to him; let no one pity his fatherless children. 13 May all his offspring die. May his family name be blotted out in a single generation."
This scripture is a complaint to the Lord from King David, the psalmist concering his enemies.
Although this story is in the Bible, it is in the old testament and it talks about people who were being oppressed. The Old Testament tells us what happened, in The New Testament, Jesus teaches us what to do and how to treat those who are against us.
Jesus commands that we pray for them. That's right...pray for your enemies. I believe that when we pray for our enemies its more for ourselves than for them. God challenges us to treat people as Jesus would. When you pray for your enemies you are releasing unto God your faith that He will make the necessary change in that persons life. I believe praying for your enemies is one of those faith growth periods. A time when we look past the wrong our enemies have done toward us and we exhibit the Love of Christ through our prayers for them.
I pray for God's mercy and grace for the people who designed, produced and are marketing, promoting and selling this T-shirt. I also pray for those who are praying the prayer on the T-Shirt. I pray for mercy upon them as well.
People who really don't know the Word of God fail to realize that the Bible also says "you reap what you sow." Therefore, I pray that there is a realization for God's true Word by those who produced this T-Shirt and that they publicly apologize so that the world will see the true POWER of prayer.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Focus on our Children
There is a video circulating with babies and young children performing lewd dancing moves while being encouraged by adults to dance this way.
Most of us are offended by what we see. I believe that when we are so disgusted by something that we feel we have little control over, we should do something lest we are part of the problem. I am praying that for every person who is offended by this...they will volunteer to be a mentor to a child. So many children need someone who is morally upstanding to teach them acts of kindness, love and respect for themselves. Then and only then I believe what we see on this video will become less and not more.
I wrote the words above almost 2 months ago on FaceBook and since that time I was compelled to write what is below and post it on FaceBook...sadly enough, I've only gotten two people to reply to the post below...and btw, neither were the people who originally complained to me about the video and asked "why I would post such a only promotes such behavior". I hope my words compel you to act. Thank you.
Recently there have been a number of videos on FaceBook which have shown children dancing in very provocative ways, using vulgar language and physically fighting each other with the intent to hurt or maimed.
I have shared them with my friend list to bring awareness to these very disturbing trends as they relate to the growing number of children who choose violence to solve their problems. As well, I feel it is very important for us to understand that children at younger ages are being exposed to words and actions that even some adults blush at.
Ok…fast forward…WE KNOW these issues exists…so how can we help our children who seem to be in crisis for a variety of reasons that I won’t even begin to discuss. Why? Because I’m tired of talking about it…I’m ready to put a plan in action and I need each of you to assist.
I am inviting you to be a part of an inaugural mentor program at Kestrel Heights School in Durham, NC. It doesn’t cost you anything, but a minimum of 15-30 minutes of your time a week on the low end and you determine the high end.
The Richard Brown We Care Mentor Program is named in the memory of my brother-in-law Richard Brown who passed away in October 2009. Richard was the first person signed up to be a mentor for this program before his transition.
This program will benefit Kestrel Heights School 12th Graders in Durham, NC. and is a non-traditional program in which you are responsible for making contact once a week with your mentee via a social networking site like, My Space, Twitter, or FaceBook, by telephone, e-mail or in person. It doesn’t matter what format of communication you use or for how long, just as long as you fulfill your duty to building a relationship with the student. The goal is for the student to realize that there is somebody who will help them to maneuver through their 12th grade year and the many opportunities and obstacles they will encounter.
Many of us have families of our own, I have two daughters in high school, but for those children, who have no one there to help them along, they will be greatly helped through this program and feel good to know that there are people out there who care. Additionally, for those parents who have been telling their child that they have to be on-time, look the part, speak the part, act more mature, your presence in their life and interaction with these students will reinforce what the parent has been teaching their child.
At the end of the day, whatever you are able to share with your student, will help them to grow, mature and prayerfully go on to college, trade school or begin to work in their area of interest. It is my prayer that these students also continue to remain in contact with you after graduation because you’ve proven to be someone they can count on for advice and assistance. The ultimate goal here is for these same students to become mentors once they are working and at a point where they have something to contribute back to the 12th graders at Kestrel.
There are many ways to communicate now a days…so there’s NO excuse.
Will you come along side of me and STAND UP for the youth of today!? Please consider my request, as we can continue to complain about what young people do or are not doing or we can choose to help one through this program.
Sign up below. And send back to me or e-mail it to me here on FB or at Students will be paired up with people who work in fields that they are interested in majoring in or that have an interest in.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Warmest regards,
Cut and past info below and e-mail it to me at
City/State you reside: _____________________________________
E-mail address: ________________________________________
Job title: _______________________________________________
Employer: _______________________________________________
Phone number: _______________________________
Most of us are offended by what we see. I believe that when we are so disgusted by something that we feel we have little control over, we should do something lest we are part of the problem. I am praying that for every person who is offended by this...they will volunteer to be a mentor to a child. So many children need someone who is morally upstanding to teach them acts of kindness, love and respect for themselves. Then and only then I believe what we see on this video will become less and not more.
I wrote the words above almost 2 months ago on FaceBook and since that time I was compelled to write what is below and post it on FaceBook...sadly enough, I've only gotten two people to reply to the post below...and btw, neither were the people who originally complained to me about the video and asked "why I would post such a only promotes such behavior". I hope my words compel you to act. Thank you.
Recently there have been a number of videos on FaceBook which have shown children dancing in very provocative ways, using vulgar language and physically fighting each other with the intent to hurt or maimed.
I have shared them with my friend list to bring awareness to these very disturbing trends as they relate to the growing number of children who choose violence to solve their problems. As well, I feel it is very important for us to understand that children at younger ages are being exposed to words and actions that even some adults blush at.
Ok…fast forward…WE KNOW these issues exists…so how can we help our children who seem to be in crisis for a variety of reasons that I won’t even begin to discuss. Why? Because I’m tired of talking about it…I’m ready to put a plan in action and I need each of you to assist.
I am inviting you to be a part of an inaugural mentor program at Kestrel Heights School in Durham, NC. It doesn’t cost you anything, but a minimum of 15-30 minutes of your time a week on the low end and you determine the high end.
The Richard Brown We Care Mentor Program is named in the memory of my brother-in-law Richard Brown who passed away in October 2009. Richard was the first person signed up to be a mentor for this program before his transition.
This program will benefit Kestrel Heights School 12th Graders in Durham, NC. and is a non-traditional program in which you are responsible for making contact once a week with your mentee via a social networking site like, My Space, Twitter, or FaceBook, by telephone, e-mail or in person. It doesn’t matter what format of communication you use or for how long, just as long as you fulfill your duty to building a relationship with the student. The goal is for the student to realize that there is somebody who will help them to maneuver through their 12th grade year and the many opportunities and obstacles they will encounter.
Many of us have families of our own, I have two daughters in high school, but for those children, who have no one there to help them along, they will be greatly helped through this program and feel good to know that there are people out there who care. Additionally, for those parents who have been telling their child that they have to be on-time, look the part, speak the part, act more mature, your presence in their life and interaction with these students will reinforce what the parent has been teaching their child.
At the end of the day, whatever you are able to share with your student, will help them to grow, mature and prayerfully go on to college, trade school or begin to work in their area of interest. It is my prayer that these students also continue to remain in contact with you after graduation because you’ve proven to be someone they can count on for advice and assistance. The ultimate goal here is for these same students to become mentors once they are working and at a point where they have something to contribute back to the 12th graders at Kestrel.
There are many ways to communicate now a days…so there’s NO excuse.
Will you come along side of me and STAND UP for the youth of today!? Please consider my request, as we can continue to complain about what young people do or are not doing or we can choose to help one through this program.
Sign up below. And send back to me or e-mail it to me here on FB or at Students will be paired up with people who work in fields that they are interested in majoring in or that have an interest in.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Warmest regards,
Cut and past info below and e-mail it to me at
City/State you reside: _____________________________________
E-mail address: ________________________________________
Job title: _______________________________________________
Employer: _______________________________________________
Phone number: _______________________________
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