Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Without a shadow of a doubt there is a purpose for all of us. Finding what is good and acceptable in God sight is a task, but not for us to make up or to concoct. He is the maker of all things including me and I will rejoice in the fact that He made me! Trials, fails, successes and triumphs are what make me stronger each and every day. Following His principals are what makes me realize just how precious I am in his sight. Were it not so, he would have told me. But what He’s revealed to me is so special and anointed I must keep to myself until the appointed time.

I fear speaking of it because it will go against what his teachings have been to me all of these years. I dare not ask “why God why?” It is not my place to ask such a question, but my place to accept God’s Holy plan for my life.

I am who God says I am

I am not what others think of me

I am not what I think I should be

I am wonderfully made in the image of God

I am purposed to do God’s Will regardless of what I think

I am set apart to be a blessing at all times in the best of time and in the worst

I am special, divinely sent from the Father to do what He has me here to do at all times

I am going to fulfill His perfect and acceptable Will no matter what I see, hear, think or feel

I am living for I am His and He has made me for His own great and glorious plan here on this earth


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